The One Score You Need to Know

Assess Your Prostate Cancer Risk

Boxing out prostate cancer starts with knowing your risk of developing cancer and when to start prostate cancer screenings with a PSA test.

Answering three simple questions in our online calculator can tell you your risk of developing prostate cancer and when you should start screenings.


Talk to Your Primary Care Provider

Flyer for patients to download and asses their personal risk of prostate cancer and bring to their provider.Once you know your risk of developing prostate cancer, it’s time to talk to your primary care provider. Knowing that prostate cancer biomarker testing can help prevent unnecessary biopsies, you can confidently advocate for PSA testing knowing that the risk of unnecessary biopsy and treatment is substantially reduced. This flyer will help you collect the information you will need for this discussion, and also give your provider the latest information on prostate cancer early detection guidelines.

Download Flyer


Man checking off list

Prostate Cancer Risk Factors

Learn the three most important factors that increase your risk of developing prostate cancer and what you can do to help catch cancer at its earliest and most treatable stage.

Man talking with doctor.

Prostate Cancer Screening Tests

An abnormal PSA test doesn't mean you have cancer; it's just a first-line screening that indicates the need for more information. Learn why you should have a PSA test and what to do next if your level is high.

Gloved hand holding vial of blood labeled PSA test.

Why Men Should Get PSA Testing

Men today are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer than a decade ago, with double the number being diagnosed after the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Regular PSA screenings coupled with prostate cancer markers could help reverse this trend.