My Prostate Score 2.0 (MPS2)

This urine test analyzes 18 unique gene transcripts to determine your unique risk of prostate cancer.

What is MPS2?

MyProstateScore 2.0, or MPS2, is a urine test that analyzes 18 unique gene transcripts to provide a comprehensive risk assessment of prostate cancer.

The MPS2 test analyzes genes based on genetic markers. It will provide a personalized score giving you and your doctor insights to help determine which next steps are best for you.

The test can be used for men who have taken a PSA test and received an elevated score. The MPS2 test will help you better understand your risk of prostate cancer and determine the next steps in your care. Talk to your doctor to see if MPS2 is a good test for you.

MPS2 Video

Understanding your MPS2 results

See a sample MPS2 test and learn more about how to interpret these results. Please note that all MPS2 test results should always be discussed with a healthcare provider or genetic counselor first. If you’ve taken the test, your doctor will receive the results in 5-7 business days.


Below is an initial list of frequently asked questions about the MPS2 test.

Who should consider a MPS2 test?

Men with an elevated PSA level may want the MPS2 test to better understand their true risk of prostate cancer and determine the next steps in care. Consult with your doctor to determine if MPS2 is right for you.

Where can I get MPS2?

MPS2 can be ordered by your primary care doctor in their office.

How will I receive my MPS2 test result?

Within 5-7 business days, an MPS2 report will be sent to your doctor, who will discuss the results with you at your next appointment.

What do my MPS2 test results mean?

MPS2 calculates a personalized risk score for prostate cancer. It’s reported as a percentage and is categorized as “low risk” or “increasing risk” of high-grade prostate cancer. An increased risk score means you may need further intervention such as a prostate biopsy, whereas a low-risk score suggests that a biopsy may be avoidable in favor of a less invasive approach such as ongoing monitoring of lab tests.  See a sample of a MPS2 result report and learn more about how to interpret these results.

Is the MPS2 test covered by insurance?

Yes, insured patients will not pay for MPS2 or pay only a partial cost, depending on the insurance. You may receive a bill in the mail from Lynx Dx if your insurance does not cover the full cost.

Are there any prostate cancer biomarker (PCM) tests that could help me decide if I need to have a prostate biopsy?

Although there are many factors that contribute to your healthcare provider’s decision to conduct a prostate biopsy, there are several urinary and blood based PCMs that may help guide you and your physician through the decision of conducting a prostate biopsy. These include:

Genetic tests also may be worth considering if you have a family history of prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer or colorectal cancer. These genetic tests are recommended for men who are determined through genetic counseling to be at potential risk for hereditary cancer: