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Meet Dr. Franciso G. La rosa, FCAP

- Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus: Specialized in Genitourinary, Renal and Heart Pathology & Pathology Informatics
- Member of the University of Colorado Cancer Center
- Teacher of Pathology to Medical, Dental and CHA-PAs students
- Full-Time Medical Staff, University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, CO
- Honorary Professor, Medical School, National University “Federico Villarreal”, Lima, Peru
- Founder, Past-President & Administrator “AsociaciĆ³n Iberoamericana de Telesalud y Telemedicina -AITT” (
- Founder and co-editor of the journal “Revista de la AITT” ISSN: 2411-3840 (